How Long Would You Survive On The Run?
How Long Would You Survive On The Run?
The police want you dead or alive. Your name and picture are all over the media. How long would you last?
The police want you dead or alive. Your name and picture are all over the media. How long would you last?

How many social media accounts do you have?
Where would you flee to immediately?
How would you let your family know you are safe?
Which of these berries is safe to eat?
Pick the sentence most accurate to your life
What do you think about the law?
How would you travel around the country?
Which country would you flee to?
What will you do when you run out of money?
1 day
1 day
Oh no, you'd be caught almost immediately. You're not cut out for a life on the run, because you like your home comforts. There's also a chance you spend too much time online to successfully cut yourself off from the people tracking your movements, and you value your relationships with friends and family too much - one call home and they'll trace it and find you.
2 weeks
2 weeks
You'd survive two weeks which, considering how the odds are stacked against you, is impressive. You've got a wide network of good friends you can trust not to turn you in, and you've seen enough TV to understand the basics of how you're being tracked. You're savvy and smart, but you rely too much on the internet to ever get completely off the grid and the people tracking you monitor your activity online to find you.
6 months
6 months
You'd survive 6 months on the run because you know what it takes to stay off the grid. You're quick, and clever, and naturally suspicious about surveillance, and this is why you're happy to spend so long darting from place to place. You're unwilling to leave the country though and you'd get caught because you miss your family and your call home is traced.
You're perfectly equipped to be a fugitive; you're happy to cut off all ties immediately, and live fleeing from the shadowy forces that are hunting you down. You're ruthless, savvy and resourceful, so you'd smuggle yourself out of the country and get somewhere like Dubai with no extradition treaty. You'll spend the rest of your life one step ahead of the people hunting you and that's fine by you.