Which Classic Burlesque Legend Are You?

Find out which one of the greats you're most like in 4 simple questions!

Mia Gahan
Created by Mia Gahan(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 3, 2017

You decide to start a new hobby, you do dive in head first, wanting to learn everything straight away? Or do you take your time and build up slowly?

When you're hanging out with friends, which one sounds more like lil' ol' you?

It's Friday night & you're heading out - what's your go to look?

What would be your reaction if someone asked you to perform on stage?

Tempest Storm

Tempest Storm

You're Tempest Storm! Just like the living legend herself, with a career spanning over 60 years, you have true staying power and are hugely loyal to anything you feel true passion for! You find what you love and you stick to it, and people around you are in awe of how inspirational you can be.

Sally Rand

Sally Rand

You got Sally Rand! Just like the original feather fan dancer, you radiate elegance and grace. You approach everything in life as though it were an art and you appreciate the little things with so much joy. You often find others turn to you in times of sadness because you have an innate ability to see the good in every situation.

Gypsy Rose Lee

Gypsy Rose Lee

You're Gypsy Rose Lee! You're the comedian of your social circle, and you know how to keep them coming back for more! Your dry sense of humour and witty come backs mean you're never short of loyal fans. Doubled up with your impeccable sense of style and razor sharp intelligence, you're programmed for success!

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