Which Disney Couple Are You And Your Significant Other?
Which Disney Couple Are You And Your Significant Other?
Which Disney couple are you? What similar traits and personal goals do you have? And who are you going to be like? Will you have the love like Mickey and Minnie or will you have the complex relationship like Rapunzel and Flynn? You will never know unless you take this quiz to find out!
Which Disney couple are you? What similar traits and personal goals do you have? And who are you going to be like? Will you have the love like Mickey and Minnie or will you have the complex relationship like Rapunzel and Flynn? You will never know unless you take this quiz to find out!

How do you describe your relationship?
How did you meet?
What do you remember about your first kiss?
Where did you go on your first date?
What describes your first date?
A goal that you share
Are you more Introvert or Extrovert?
How do you feel about each other?
Rapunzel and Flynn
Rapunzel and Flynn
Congratulations!!! You are Rapunzel and Flynn, you both share the passion for getting your hands dirty and taking an adventure. You both had a complex relationship and you never really knew what you felt about each other, but all that matters is that in the end you grew to love each other and you want to be together forever!
Mickey and Minnie
Mickey and Minnie
Congratulations!!! You are Mickey and Minnie, you both have loved each other since the day you set your eyes on each other. You both are always together and you cannot be separated by anyone. You are madly in love and you were made for each other.
Lady and Tramp
Lady and Tramp
Congratulations!!! You are Lady and Tramp, You like each other a lot and you would do anything to be together no matter what, for richer or poor. You both are meant to be together!!!
Ellie and Carl
Ellie and Carl
Congratulations!!! You are Ellie and Carl. You are a very adventurous couple and when you set your mind to something you don't give up until you get it. You both have known each other since you were little and you have both grown to love each other and you are very happy to be together.
Wall-E and Eve
Wall-E and Eve
Congratulations!!! You are Eve and Wall-E, you have not known each other long but when you set eyes on each other you fell madly in love. You have a very complex relationship but you get through everything that gets in your way.
Ariel and Eric
Ariel and Eric
Congratulations!!! You are Ariel and Eric, you have both came from what feels like different worlds but you have loved each other since the day you first meant, you might be different but you were both just made for each other.
Belle and Beast
Belle and Beast
Congratulations!!! You are Belle and Beast, you both were not fond of each other when you first meant but you grew to know more about each other and you got to see the good within each other.
Jasmine and Aladdin
Jasmine and Aladdin
Congratulations!!! You are Jasmine and Aladdin you both are two different people but when you got together you learn more about each other. You learned that even when you seem different on the outside you are all the same on the inside.