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Which Addams Family Musical Character Are You?

Discover which wickedly funny character you most resemble, then come see "The Addams Family" at Broadway Rose Theatre Company June 29 - July 23, 2017!

Broadway Rose Theatre Company
Created by Broadway Rose Theatre Company (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 2, 2017

Full disclosure: can you keep a secret?

How is your relationship with your family?

What are your thoughts on love?

Which of these images is the most pleasing?

What do you like to do at parties?

Which best describes you?

Which hobby would you like to take up?

Select a swatch:

What is your dream job?

What are your best traits?

Gomez Addams

Gomez Addams

You take great pride in who you are, as well as your family. You may be a bit odd, but you are passionate, loving, and infinitely devoted to those you care about.

See Gomez brought to life by the talented Joe Theissen June 29 - July 23, 2017 at Broadway Rose Theatre Company! www.broadwayrose.org/addams-family

Morticia Addams

Morticia Addams

You are the true backbone of your family or social group. You love fully, but you are easily scorned by secrets and lies. Your dry wit and charm can win over nearly anyone—though you only really care that your loved ones appreciate you. "Normal" is not in your repertoire, and you are (rightfully) proud of your own uniqueness.

See Morticia brought to life by the dazzling Lisamarie Harrison June 29 - July 23, 2017 at Broadway Rose Theatre Company! www.broadwayrose.org/addams-family

Wednesday Addams

Wednesday Addams

Your dry sense of humor and dark wit may initially put people off (not that you care) but you have a magnetic charm that draws people toward you. You may be uncomfortable displaying your feelings, but deep down, you are just as loving and optimistic as anyone. You may not always like it, but you probably resemble your parents more than you know.

Molly Duddleston makes her Broadway Rose debut as the incomparable Wednesday Addams June 29 - July 23, 2017!

Get tickets today. (And call your mom.) www.broadwayrose.org/addams-family

Pugsley Addams

Pugsley Addams

You're cunning and clever, but you may have a skewed view of how to show affection. A natural prankster, you always know just how to press people's buttons and may sometimes take your tricks too far. But that's ok. Your charm and sense of humor can win anyone over—probably even close enough to put that itching powder down their shirt.

See Karsten George as the playfully pernicious Pugsley June 29 - July 23, 2017 at Broadway Rose Theatre Company! www.broadwayrose.org/addams-family

Fester Addams

Fester Addams

You are a larger-than-life comedian, with a cheerful disposition and child-like glee. You love your family—well, you love everyone, really. You are the life of the party and somehow make your peculiar hobbies seem sensible, given enough time (and lightbulbs.)

See Isaac Lamb light up the stage as Uncle Fester Addams June 29 - July 23, 2017 at Broadway Rose Theatre Company! www.broadwayrose.org/addams-family

Mal Beineke

Mal Beineke

You may be easily exasperated by the folly of others—but you only seem stuffy because you are working so hard! You are always looking out for people (even if they don't recognize it) and may have a hard time letting loose. Once you do, though, you are a bundle of fun, and even have a little bit of a hidden wild side! Don't be afraid to relinquish control every now and then to have a good time—you deserve it.

Jared Mack makes his Broadway Rose debut as Mal Beineke! See him on stage June 29 - July 23, 2017. www.broadwayrose.org/addams-family

Alice Beneike

Alice Beneike

A doting dear/ it may be clear/ that the love you dole/ can take a toll!

Just like bubbly Alice, you are kind and generous with your time, energy, and love. However, your inability to put yourself first means you can burn out easily and you may have dreams yet unrealized. You are quirky and endearing, and if you find opportunities to speak your truth you may find that the people you care about are just as happy to take care of YOU!

See Amy Jo Halliday brighten the stage as Alice Beineke June 29 - July 23, 2017, at Broadway Rose Theatre Company! www.broadwayrose.org/addams-family

Lucas Beineke

Lucas Beineke

Are you from Ohio? Like Lucas, you are cool, calm, and collected...except for when you aren't. You may come off as a bit of a people pleaser, but really you are just genuinely caring. You want the people you love to be happy and will break from your usual level-headed nature if boldness is required. Overall, you're just a nice (and most-likely-warm-blooded) person. Good for you!

Colin Kane makes his Broadway Rose debut as the show sweetheart June 29 - July 23! Don't miss your chance to be romanced (or not, no pressure) and get tickets at www.broadwayrose.org/addams-family

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