This Is The Impossible Geography Quiz
This Is The Impossible Geography Quiz
Just warning you; it's very difficult. Think you can get 18/18?
Just warning you; it's very difficult. Think you can get 18/18?

Which city is called the "City of Lights"?
Which US capital city has the smallest population?
Can you name the only sea without any coasts?
Which of the following countries have the most natural lakes?
Where is the oldest city on Earth?
What's the largest state (square miles) in the United States?
Do you know which country the tallest mountain in the world resides?
Can you identify which of these African countries are landlocked?
What's the capital city of Tajikistan?
Which countries share a border with Chile?
Which is the westernmost state in the United States?
Can you name the capital city of Paraguay?
Which ocean has the largest amount of volcanoes known to man?
Which is the only island on the Hawaiian archipelago that has no human inhabitants?
How many countries are in South America?
Which of these countries do not belong on the Scandinavian Peninsula?
What's the total length of the (mainland) Australian coastline?
Order the following cities from least to greatest in regards to population size: Tianjin, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Beijing.
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Did you think this quiz was too difficult?