This Is The Impossible Geography Quiz

Just warning you; it's very difficult. Think you can get 18/18?

faek mews
Created by faek mews (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Aug 16, 2018
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1 / 18

Which city is called the "City of Lights"?

2 / 18

Which US capital city has the smallest population?

3 / 18

Can you name the only sea without any coasts?

4 / 18

 Which of the following countries have the most natural lakes?

5 / 18

Where is the oldest city on Earth?

6 / 18

What's the largest state (square miles) in the United States?

7 / 18

Do you know which country the tallest mountain in the world resides?

8 / 18

Can you identify which of these African countries are landlocked?

9 / 18

What's the capital city of Tajikistan?

10 / 18

Which countries share a border with Chile?

11 / 18

Which is the westernmost state in the United States?

12 / 18

Can you name the capital city of Paraguay?

13 / 18

Which ocean has the largest amount of volcanoes known to man?

14 / 18

Which is the only island on the Hawaiian archipelago that has no human inhabitants?

15 / 18

How many countries are in South America?

16 / 18

Which of these countries do not belong on the Scandinavian Peninsula?

17 / 18

What's the total length of the (mainland) Australian coastline?

18 / 18

Order the following cities from least to greatest in regards to population size: Tianjin, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Beijing.

Questions left

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