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97% Of American Women Can't Name These Famous Foreign Books. Can You?

"The problem with life is, by the time you can read women like a book, your library card has expired."

Michael Rogers
Created by Michael Rogers
On Feb 19, 2019

Nailed it!! You're at the top 3%!!

Nailed it!! You're at the top 3%!!

Way to go!! You're at the top 3% of American women!!
Aside from having exceptional memory, you are most likely a 'Thinking Reader'. You identify structures in texts, create mental notes, and anticipate 'the next move'. You get lost in books (in a good way). You visualize the scenes as you read, you think on many levels, and you come out of the reading experience with a sense of accomplishment. Are we spot-on? Do you consider yourself a 'Thinking Reader'? Let us know, and share the quiz with your female friends. 97% of the women who took this test failed it.



You totally flunked!! Try again, and share the quiz with every woman you know.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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