98% Of Americans Cannot Complete These 24 Basic Phrases
98% Of Americans Cannot Complete These 24 Basic Phrases
Only 2% of Americans passed this English drill.
Only 2% of Americans passed this English drill.

Curiosity killed the _____.
Pass the _____.
Best thing since sliced _____.
Not a _____ of decency.
Monday _____ quarterback.
Back to the _____ board.
Beat _____ the bush.
Bite _____ more than you can chew.
Burn the _____ oil.
Bought the _____.
Drastic times call for drastic _____.
Every cloud has a _____ lining.
Fall _____ the wagon.
Hit the nail on the _____.
Let sleeping _____ lie.
Method to my _____.
Don't give up your _____ job.
Not _____ with a full deck.
Jump _____ the bandwagon.
Let the _____ out of the bag.
Put _____ over other people's eyes.
Take it with a grain of _____.
Drive _____ the wall.
Plead the _____.
Congratulations!! You're in the top 2%!! Share the news with the world.
Congratulations!! You're in the top 2%!! Share the news with the world.
Way to go! You aced it! Only 2% of Americans can complete these basic idioms and phrases. Your score points to exceptional memory and creative thinking skills. You read with purpose, and subconsciously monitor that purpose while reading a text. You catch satire and puns, and can predict what is about to happen in movies and books. Furthermore, you automatically read letter combinations and scan through texts without losing your focus. Are your friends as smart as you are? Share the test to find out;)
You totally failed this!! But try again... it's worth it:)
You totally failed this!! But try again... it's worth it:)
You failed the test. But the good news is - you are part of the 98%. Share the news with the world.