Merely 4% Of American Women Passed This US Geography Test
Merely 4% Of American Women Passed This US Geography Test
Are you a master of American geography?
Are you a master of American geography?

What is the highest mountain in the U.S.?
What is the capital of Florida?
To visit Alcatraz Island, you would have to travel to:
How many states does Washington D.C. border?
Which of the following states does NOT have a coastline on the Gulf of Mexico?
Yosemite National Park is located in...
What is the largest U.S. desert?
Phoenix is the capital city of:
The Black Rock Desert is located in...
Which of the following states has a coastline on the Arctic Ocean?
Which of the following is NOT one of the Great Lake states?
To visit Yellowstone National Park, you would have to travel to...
The Mojave Desert occupies portions of how many states?
What is the capital of New York?
And finally, where does the Rio Grande river originate?
Nailed it!! You're a master of American geography!!
Nailed it!! You're a master of American geography!!
You got a perfect score!! You are a master of American geography. You love to travel the country, you have an eager power of observation, and you always keep in mind aims and objectives. Are we spot-on? Let us know in a comment below, and share the news with the world:)
You flunked!!
You flunked!!
You are no master of geography. Try again...