Do You Know The Difference Between Were, Where And Wear?
Do You Know The Difference Between Were, Where And Wear?
We gave this homophones test to 100 American high school students and nobody got a perfect score. Can you?
We gave this homophones test to 100 American high school students and nobody got a perfect score. Can you?

"Oh, and _____ something decent this time."
One lucky trainee was spared the _____ of passage.
Once she saw the escape _____, she was gone.
I'm reading about the _____ habit of plants.
Her house was _____ and basic.
There was a long _____ before the movie continued.
Don't let such _____ things upset you.
She didn't _____ me from you.
We've got plenty of _____ from the forest.
What in the name of everything _____ was he doing?
I _____ quickly, though not as quickly as you.
A verdict can only be passed after the _____ of time.
He _____ himself to fall in love.
Most newspapers don't _____ themselves.
He was a successful leader in _____ warfare.
15/15!! Perfect Score!!
15/15!! Perfect Score!!
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You nailed this tricky spelling test. You have the traits of highly perceptive people: curiosity, sensitivity, and diligence. SHARE this quiz if you agree.
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