Can You Pass A Grammar Quiz For Kids?
Can You Pass A Grammar Quiz For Kids?
Are you ready for this one?
Are you ready for this one?
If it _____ possible to solve the puzzle, I would have done it.
What is the correct plural form of 'elf'?
A group of birds is a _____.
You should eat _____ candy.
Everybody _____ tempted now and then.
Really? By _____ - and why?
The _____ habit of plants makes it impossible for them to seek their food.
Lesley struck the first _____ of the prelude.
So _____ bones are they?
Is she going to _____ her contract?
Pick the best synonym for 'commend'.
Neither _____ true.
A male bee is a _____.
The correct plural form of 'roof' is 'roofs'.
The grocery store organizes its products by the _____.
You passed a grammar quiz for kids. You are stubborn, intuitive, and persistent. You look for patterns because your brain is super-active, and you believe that anything is possible.
Let us know in the comments if we’re spot-on, and SHARE your score with everyone you know. Be very proud! - we gave this test to 150 educated adults and only 12 passed it.
You were too cool for grammar school... right??