Only Americans With A PhD Got 10/10 In This IQ Test
Only Americans With A PhD Got 10/10 In This IQ Test
Based on a new study, your IQ is over 150 if you get 10/10.
Based on a new study, your IQ is over 150 if you get 10/10.

Water is to pipelines as _____ is to wires.
1/3 of 1/3 of 369, equals:
Which word best expresses the meaning of: "reassuring"?
If you rearrange the letters "RABIES", you would have the name of a:
If you were running a race and passed the person in second place, what place would you be in?
Foot is to knee as _____ is to elbow.
What is the square root of 4,096?
Which word best expresses the opposite meaning of "resilient"?
Jack's mother had 3 kids. The first was called April. The second, May. What was the third's name?
What is the missing number in the following sequence:
1 , 16 , _ , 100, 169
You got 7/10. Your IQ is 135-140 (superior intelligence).
You have an introspective personality. You’re always exhausted after spending time around a lot of people. You have an inherent need to retreat to a quiet place and contemplate. You enjoy your own company and can easily entertain yourself. Even though you’re in tune with your feelings, you often get lost in your own thoughts. You learn by watching, you struggle to keep track of time. You’re definitely an introvert.
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By the way, your favorite book is ‘Alice in Wonderland’, right? Let us know in a comment below.
You got 8/10. Your IQ is 140-145 (very superior intelligence).
People at your IQ range are funny, humble, and introverted. Your emotional intelligence is very high. Too much stimulation leaves you unfocused and distracted. You need time to yourself, and you’re not apologetic about it. You’re self-aware, but being around a lot of people drains your energy. You have a small group of close friends, and you choose these friends carefully.
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By the way, your favorite book is ‘The Scarlet Letter’, right? Let us know in a comment below.
You got 9/10. Your IQ is 145-150 (near genius).
People at your IQ range are ‘Deep Thinkers’. You analyze experiences, you look at situations from multiple perspectives, and you’re naturally empathetic. You’re also flexible enough to go with the flow when plans change, because you understand what (really) matters. You’re quick to notice changes in moods and attitudes even when people don’t say anything about it, and you’re always there to offer comfort and support.
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By the way, your favorite book is ‘The Fault in Our Stars’, right? Let us know in a comment below.
10/10 (WOW!)
10/10 (WOW!)
You got 10/10. Your IQ is over 150 (genius or near genius).
You adapt to new conditions easily and environments. Unlike most people, you can excel when situations change regularly. You have a greater sense of intuition than the people around you, and you embrace the fact that it’s impossible to know everything about everything. Moreover, you don’t set regular sleeping hours. You like to stay up late and reflect about things you care about. You’re most likely humble and modest, and you can quickly recognize when somebody needs a person to talk to.
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By the way, your favorite book is ‘The Catcher in the Rye’, right? Let us know in a comment below.