Can You Correctly Spell 20 Basic Words That Most People Cannot?
Can You Correctly Spell 20 Basic Words That Most People Cannot?
We gave this basic spelling drill to 250 college students and only 6% passed. Can you?
We gave this basic spelling drill to 250 college students and only 6% passed. Can you?
Created by Michael Rogers
On Oct 17, 2019
1 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
2 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
3 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
4 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
5 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
6 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
7 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
8 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
9 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
10 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
11 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
12 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
13 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
14 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
15 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
16 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
17 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
18 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
19 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
20 / 20
Pick the correct spelling:
Questions left
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