Study Gave This Science-Based Men's Test To Women And The Internet Went Wild
Study Gave This Science-Based Men's Test To Women And The Internet Went Wild
"Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus... A recent study gave this scientific men's quiz to 100 women and only 4 passed. Can you beat these odds?"
"Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus... A recent study gave this scientific men's quiz to 100 women and only 4 passed. Can you beat these odds?"

What do men fear most?
What is the average man's favorite room in the house?
You got a flat tire! -- What is the first thing you do?
What should men do to get a better shave?
What is the average man's favorite red wine?
Can you play poker with 2 people?
What flower are men most likely to buy their spouses on Valentine's Day?
Can men get Breast Cancer?
Which of the following is a cure for a hangover?
Based on scientific studies, which group of men have lower IQs?
You need to tie a tie! -- What is the first step (Windsor)?
What did Joe DiMaggio play?
What is the lifetime risk of developing Cancer for a man in the U.S.?
Based on the study, who is more likely to say "I love you" first?
Passed! You're at the top of your game!
Passed! You're at the top of your game!
Way to go! You passed a science-based men’s test that only 4 in 100 women can. Your curiosity is highly developed, and you have interest in experimenting and doing things differently. You're not afraid to ask probing questions or admit when you're wrong, but you will never settle for less than you deserve. Share this quiz to test every woman you know.
Flunked! Now test your girlfriends!
Flunked! Now test your girlfriends!
You really flunked this one. But no worries... only 4 in 100 women passed this science-based men's test.