This Bible Test Is Driving The Internet Crazy Because Nobody Can Get An A+
This Bible Test Is Driving The Internet Crazy Because Nobody Can Get An A+
They say a thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education. Do you agree?
They say a thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education. Do you agree?

Let's start off with an easy one: which comes first?
Whom did Cain kill?
His father gave him a coat of many colors.
When was Jesus born?
Who received The Ten Commandments from God?
This prophet was swallowed by a fish in the Old Testament.
Where was Jesus baptized?
How many disciples did Jesus have?
What did God create on the first day of creation?
This young boy defeated a giant.
How many Gospel books are there?
What disease did Jesus heal ten men of?
The boat Noah built was called:
How many of each type of animal did Noah have on that boat?
What did Jesus’ father do for a living?
What was the first of the Ten Commandments?
On what day of Creation did God create man?
What was the first miracle Jesus performed in his ministry?
What did Jesus feed to 5,000 people?
Aced it!
Aced it!
Right-on!! You aced a bible test that’s been driving the internet crazy!! You must be astute and sagacious, and incredibly humble and ethical. SHARE it to test everyone you know.
Right-on!! You passed a bible test that’s been driving the internet crazy!! You must be well-educated and intellectual, and have strong moral convictions. SHARE it to test everyone you know.
Darn it!! You failed!!
Give this bible test one more shot, and SHARE it to test everyone you know.