This IQ Quiz Should Be Easy But You'll Never Get A Perfect Score
This IQ Quiz Should Be Easy But You'll Never Get A Perfect Score
It’s going to be hard, but hard does not mean impossible. Try your luck now.
It’s going to be hard, but hard does not mean impossible. Try your luck now.
If A is bigger than B but smaller than C, then:
What do you throw away that keeps on returning?
Joanna had 86 chickens. All but 6 died. How many survived?
10 + 8 (4 – 2) = ?
Name the smallest type of tree in the world.
They are dark and on the run, and without sun there will be none. What are they?
A one-seeded fruit I may be, but all of your calendars are full of me. What am I?
Name the capital of Ecuador.
½ of ½ of ½ of 10 = ?
What connects two people but touches only one?
What is the most common connecting word for SHIP and CARDS?
What has 12 faces and 42 eyes?
What is the square root of 10,000?
What is the first thing you see in an emergency but you only see it twice in a lifetime?
A bakery had 3 pies cut into eighths. Three-quarters of all pieces were sold. How many were not sold?
If two is a company and three is a crowd. What is four and five?
I have a head but no body, and I do have a tail. What am I?
9 ÷ 3 + 9 (9 − 3) = ?
Where is Liberia?
What is the square root of 225?
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