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What Video Game Genre Are You Psychologically Drawn To?

What you see first in these screenshots says a lot about the kind of person you are and what games would suit you best!

Michal Nachmany
Created by Michal Nachmany (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 10, 2016

What captivates you most about this image?

What intrigued you first about this image?

Which location in this screenshot do you think would make the best hiding place?

Which items would you want to check out first?

What element of this vibrant screenshot draws you in?

At a first glance, which colors made the strongest impression on you?

Choose a terrain:

Which side of the bridge naturally draws you in?

Which house would you choose to enter first?

Finally, which color did you see first in the pyramid?

Exploration Games

Exploration Games

Exploration and Open World based games best suit your personality! You're a naturally inquisitive and curious person, and when you took this quiz your results showed that you were often interested in aspects of nature and surroundings rather than the actions in the foreground. You follow through and want to know everything about everything, so rather than being tied to the boring simplistic objectives of a linear game, you should check out some open world games like Skyrim, Fallout, or even Minecraft! These games allow you to explore and satisfy your curiosity to your hearts content, which should suit you perfectly!

Stealth Games

Stealth Games

Stealth based games best suit your way of thinking! Stealth games, such as Assassin's Creed, Dishonored, or Metal Gear Solid, are all about analyzing your surroundings in a pinch and then taking your time to reach the main objective. Your quiz results show that you have an eye for detail about 90% of the population lacks, and that you often showed interest in the smaller pieces of the background rather than be distracted by elements of the foreground. Your tendency to keep a clear head in observing these screenshots revealed that stealth games are just right for you!

Action Adventure Games

Action Adventure Games

Action Adventure based games best suit your personality! Your results indicated that you're psychologically drawn to the most prominent and compelling segments of the images, revealing that you greatly value and emphasize the element of excitement! You displayed confidence when answering the questions about what you noticed first in the screenshots, suggesting that you have strong and assertive reflexes; a key component of action adventure games. This is one of the broadest categories in gaming, and you're the kind of person who just wants to follow the thrill factor no matter what. Continue letting this passion for exhilaration drive you and check out some action adventure games, such as Tomb Raider, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Bioshock Infinite, and many more!

Narrative Driven Games

Narrative Driven Games

Narrative driven games best suit your priorities and psychological results! Your quiz answers revealed that you were most interested in the visual elements that could be tied to a greater story, like characters, dynamic structures, etc. What would draw you into a video game is a compelling story that you can relate to, rather than blind violence without a cause. Consider checking out some captivating stories told through games like Last of Us, Legend of Zelda, or even the Walking Dead Game!

Puzzle Games

Puzzle Games

Puzzle based games best suit your inquisitive personality! Your results indicated that you paid the most attention to the fine details of the images, a trait that could help you through most problem solving scenarios that occur in gaming. You also took note of components such as signs in the background or items that could be useful in times of danger, implying that your analytical characteristics would best be suited for a challenging puzzle game, such as Tetris, Bejewled, Portal, and many more!
You're a naturally inquisitive and curious person, and when you took this quiz your results showed that you were often interested in aspects of nature and surroundings rather than the actions in the foreground. You follow through and want to know everything about everything, so rather than being tied to the boring simplistic objectives of a linear game, you should check out some open world games like Skyrim, Fallout, or even Minecraft! These games allow you to explore and satisfy your curiosity to your hearts content, which should suit you perfectly!

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