Which Apple Face Emoji Are You?
Which Apple Face Emoji Are You?
Take this quiz to find out which famous emoji you are.
Take this quiz to find out which famous emoji you are.

Do you have Apple, Android, AT&T, or Windows?
Which describes you on Mondays?
Which meal would make you happiest?
Which of these is your ideal vacation spot?
Which is your favorite color?
Happy Tears Face
Happy Tears Face
You are a very happy person who loves jokes, and can always find a silver lining in every plight. You are not afraid to be in charge and you are a definite perfectionist, in a good way.
Smiling Face With Shades
Smiling Face With Shades
You are a very laid back kind of person who doesn't like to be in charge, but would rather go with the flow. You have a lot of self confidence and don't care what others think of you.
Heart Eyes
Heart Eyes
You are a very sweet, loving, and caring person who will do anything to help your friends and family. You are very sensitive, and everything you do/say is heartfelt. Keep up the good work!
Tongue Face
Tongue Face
You are a happy person who loves to be silly. You were/are the class clown, and you can still make people laugh their heads off everywhere you go. Your motto is something like, "What's life without a laugh?"