Which Member of the Ares 3 crew are you?
Which Member of the Ares 3 crew are you?
From Andy Weir's book The Martian. Find out which character you're most like before the movie comes out in October!
From Andy Weir's book The Martian. Find out which character you're most like before the movie comes out in October!

You're six days into surface ops when a dust storm starts heading your way. What do you do?
You're heading towards the MAV (Mars ascent vehicle) when one of your crewmates is blown away in the dust storm. What's your next move?
You wake up after the dust storm and realize your crewmates have left and you're stranded on the surface of Mars. What's your plan?
How do you feel about disco music?
What about potatoes?
The Iris probe is about to launch, carrying the food that will sustain your stranded crewmate until help can arrive. How are you dealing with the pressure?
How do you feel about mornings?
You find out there's a way to rescue your stranded crewmate, but putting it into action would mean mutiny. What's your reaction?
Imagine that you're picked to go on an Ares mission. Which role would you choose?
You get five minutes to talk to one of your loved ones back home before your ship docks with the Taiyang Shen. This might be the last time you ever see any of them again. Whom do you want to talk to?
You're about to rescue your crewmate. The intercept distance is too wide for you to reach him. How do you fix this?
Now the intercept velocity is too fast for you to catch him. How do you solve this problem?
You can bring any entertainment you want on the trip to Mars. What do you decide to bring?
It's morning in Acidalia Planitia. What'll you have for breakfast?
Pick a science:
Pretend for a moment that you're stranded on Mars with one of the Ares 3 crew. Which one would you rather it be?
Mark Watney
Mark Watney
The odds always seem to be against you, but you persevere and manage to find a way to solve every problem life throws at you. You're resourceful, witty, the best botanist on the planet, and you drop the f-bomb a lot. But who can blame you? Being trapped on Mars tends to do that to a person.
Dr. Chris Beck
Dr. Chris Beck
You're the mission's doctor and EVA specialist, making you a valuable member of the crew. You're loyal to your crewmates, especially one in particular. And if that wasn't enough, you get to be portrayed by Sebastian Stan. It's like you want to be adored.
Beth Johanssen
Beth Johanssen
Mornings are not your forte. You're a software engineer who needs her coffee. You're also a hot chick who went to Mars, which perhaps partly explains the attention a certain crew member pays you. . .
Major Rick Martinez
Major Rick Martinez
You're a comedian- or at least you think you are. Your piloting skills are top notch, although your sense of humor sometimes leaves something to be desired. Watney considers you to be his best friend, so you must be doing something right. Keep it up.
Commander Melissa Lewis
Commander Melissa Lewis
You are a complete badass. You've tipped two-hundred-pound men out of their bunks- and that's in 1 g. You know how to keep your crew in check and how to lead them to the best course of action. The responsibility sometimes weighs heavy on you, though, as when you blamed yourself for leaving Watney behind on Mars (you're the only person who blames you for that, by the way). All in all, you're a leader people would follow anywhere.
Alex Vogel
Alex Vogel
You're a chemist, you have a German accent, and you had a base on Mars. You're also an accomplished astrophysicist. In other words- a supervillain. Keep being evil, Herr Vogel.