Would You Survive The 90's Slashers?
Would You Survive The 90's Slashers?
Take our quiz to see if you'd survive a typical 90's slasher film!
Take our quiz to see if you'd survive a typical 90's slasher film!

You're driving down the highway with your friends when you accidentally hit someone. What do you do?
There's a killer on the loose and you're hanging out with your significant other. What do you?
Your parents lock you up in hopes of protecting you. Do you break out or sit tight?
The cops say they've caught the killer but the evidence just doesn't add up. What do you do?
You're trapped with the killer. What's your next step?
Congratulations! Your priorities have made you the latest slasher victim!
Congratulations! Your priorities have made you the latest slasher victim!
Congratulations! You survived! Now move and get the hell out of your town!
Congratulations! You survived! Now move and get the hell out of your town!