Which Macross Frontier Character are you?
Which Macross Frontier Character are you?
If you love anime, and you adore music... then watch Macross Frontier!
If you love anime, and you adore music... then watch Macross Frontier!
Are you a...
What is your favourite colour?
What do you like to do in your free time?
How would you describe yourself?
A Vajra is towering over your friend, what do you do?
If you were an everyday item, what would you be?
What is your favourite animal?
Which Character do you think you will get? (Your choice doesn't affect anything.)
Sheryl Nome
Sheryl Nome
Mature and competent, you are just like the Galactic Fairy, Sheryl Nome! With that amazing voice and charismatic personality, everyone is sure to look to you for support! You enjoy being the center of attention and getting what you want, but that doesn't mean you're selfish - you are willing to help a friend in need in a split second, and find the trappings of popularity confining sometimes. Always ready to try something new and daring, you're determination and laid-back nature will take you to the ends of the universe with a creative spark!
Alto Saotome
Alto Saotome
Determined and focused, you are just like Saotome Alto! Although you may experience severe inner turmoil about your life, you have a goal that you continue to strive for, no matter what. You may seek approval from those close to you, and feel under appreciated sometimes. However, you don't let that get in the way of your studies or your determination!
Ranka Lee
Ranka Lee
Sweet and Charming, you are just like Ranka Lee, the Superdimensional Cinderella! You may or may not have that amazing voice, but your sweetness can overwhelm a room and turn heads in a second! Although you may have some past issues with family or friends that have caused you to lose trust, you have always stood by your friends no matter what, and expect them to do the same. You find music comforting, and prefer to be alone or with a close group of friends rather than at a large party. Not necessarily the leader, you prefer to let others to the commanding and follow their orders, trusting in their word.
Brera Sterne
Brera Sterne
Protective and Mysterious, you are just like Brera Sterne! People may have a hard time trusting you and you them, but internally you have a soft heart that betrays the heartless exterior. Although you are one to take orders, you will never let them override your heart or your feelings for friends and family. In the end, you are even willing to sacrifice your identity and even your life to protect those you love.
Mikhale Blanc
Mikhale Blanc
Casual and Mocking, you are just like Mikhale Blanc! You may tease others a lot, but not in a hateful way. You are friendly when you need to be, strong when you want to be. Good luck with your sniping career!
Grace O'conner
Grace O'conner
Power hungry and ambitious, you have much in common with Grace O'connor. Though you seem friendly to others, you have other thoughts deep within. You will do anything, at any cost to achieve your goal.
Ozma Lee
Ozma Lee
Responsible and full of Leadership, you are just like Ozma Lee! A top-notch pilot and a skilled leader, you can command a room with your confident tone and your presence alone. You may have a hard time letting those close to you go, and sometimes you can be a bit confining because of your protectiveness...but it's just because you have a large heart. If protecting means lying to those you love to keep them safe, then you won't hesitate to do it. You would rather adopt a child in need than have your own, because of your caring personality.
Klan Klang
Klan Klang
Powerful and opinionated, you are just like Zentradi Captain Klan Klan! You have a fiery personality that at times can get you into trouble with those around you, but you have a big heart. You're fun loving, always willing to head off on an adevnture, and caring till the very end. Sometimes you will lock your emotions inside because you're afraid of getting hurt because of the past - once someone penetrates your shell however, you are a caring individual who doesn't hesitate to bestow love and trust.