Can You Easily Solve These Quick Elementary School Math Questions?
Can You Easily Solve These Quick Elementary School Math Questions?
Give it your best shot!!
Give it your best shot!!

Bonus: Look carefully! What's the missing number?
You are an elementary math genius!!
You are an elementary math genius!!
Amazing, you passed this test with flying colors!!
This test was packed with formulas, equations, fractions, and math terms that one should know in elementary school! You are either a professional number cruncher or you are simply a natural with numbers. Either way, you're really SMART! Your math teacher would be so proud of you!!
An elementary math expert!
An elementary math expert!
Congratulations! You are almost an elementary math expert!
You got more than half of these math questions correct! 86% of people taking this test have failed it, but not you! Did you use a calculator or Google the answers?
You are an elementary math dunce
You are an elementary math dunce
Oh no! You are about to flunk elementary math!
You got less than half of the questions correct. Don't feel too bad though, only 14% of the people taking this test did better than you! You better study up and retake the test soon! Good luck!