How Is Your IQ Actually Divided?
How Is Your IQ Actually Divided?
"Don't let your brain interfere with your heart." - Albert Einstein
"Don't let your brain interfere with your heart." - Albert Einstein

How many hours of sleep do you usually get a night?
How often do you work out?
Are you a generally forgiving person?
Are you usually aware if someone is upset?
Do you drink alcohol?
How do you feel about telling a little white lie?
Do you talk about your feelings?
Do you believe that the way you view yourself is the way others will view you?
What does your diet mainly consist of?
Perfectly Balanced IQ!!
Perfectly Balanced IQ!!
According to science, if a person has fully developed their Intellect, Morality, Emotion and Body, just like you, they are more likely to succeed in a professional as well as professional capacity! You are balanced in all these intellects and therefore your confidence in your abilities and your self has improved, because of this you live a happier and lighter way in both your professional and personal lives! So carry on doing what you are doing and you will go far!!
90% Emotional
90% Emotional
You wear your emotions on your sleeve! You are aware of your own feelings as well as the feelings of those around you! You have the strength to know when it is appropriate to use emotions in certain situations and to build relationships. Stress can be a big problem for you so in order to succeed you need to learn to not let stress affect you too much, there are many techniques that will help you in stressful situations.
Now go and use your emotions to your advantage and you will achieve great success!
90% Smart And Moral
90% Smart And Moral
Your moral compass points North. You are very in tune with how you treat yourself as well as how you treat others around you! You believe that honesty and integrity are extremely important qualities. You always take responsibility for your actions and you do not believe in little white lies! You understand that forgiveness is not only about how we relate to others but also how we relate to and feel about ourselves! This is a very strong quality that will get you far in life!
Perfectly Balanced Body And Mind!
Perfectly Balanced Body And Mind!
You and your body are so in sync you are considered one entity! You listen to all the signals your body puts out there and this ensures that you are mentally healthy as well! By taking care of your body, it greatly benefits the functioning of your brain and the way you perform at work! This all leads to success in your future!