How Prepared Are You For The New Season Of Game Of Thrones?
How Prepared Are You For The New Season Of Game Of Thrones?
Season 7 is in sight... but how prepared are you for the new season of GOT? This test puts your season 6 GOT knowledge to the test! Find out now if you are mentally ready for season 7!
Season 7 is in sight... but how prepared are you for the new season of GOT? This test puts your season 6 GOT knowledge to the test! Find out now if you are mentally ready for season 7!

How did King Tommen die?
What is Melisandre's true identity?
What does Jon Snow do after he is resurrected?
What is the origins of Hodor and his speech?
Who originally created the White Walkers?
What was the name of the famous battle that occured between Jon Snow & Ramsey Bolten?
How does Ramsey Bolten die?
How does Cersei manage to become queen?
True or False: Daenerys finally got the ships she needed and is on her way to Westeros!
You are 100% prepared for the new season!!
You are 100% prepared for the new season!!
Damn!! You are 100% prepared for the upcoming season of Game of Thrones!!!
You have just rewatched the entire season of season 6 and you have familiarized yourself with every single plotline!! You really are a true GOT fan and you are counting down the seconds until the new season!!
Happy season 7 watching!! Share your results with your fellow GOT fans!!
You are 50% prepared for the new season!
You are 50% prepared for the new season!
You are 50% prepared for the upcoming season of Game of Thrones!!!
You are a fan but your life does not revolve around Game of Thrones. You remember the key moments from the previous season but there are some moments that has slipped your memory. Don't worry... you still have some time to catch up on season 6!!
Happy season 7 watching!! Share your results with your fellow GOT fans!!
You are 10% prepared for the new season!
You are 10% prepared for the new season!
Wow! You are not prepared for the new season at all!!
Either you have an absolutely terrible memory or you are not such a fan of the show! If you are still interested in watching the new season, you better get to work and familiarize yourself with the various characters and plotlines asap!! Good luck!!