What Type of Mermaid Are You?

Based on your personality, you will find out exactly what type of mermaid you are.

Mikayla Hadersbeck
Created by Mikayla Hadersbeck(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 29, 2016

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You are a girl cloaked in mystery. Your beautiful looks draw in sailors, but you don't always like the attention...



You are a happy, mythlogical creature who likes to frolic and play, but will always stay hidden, no matter what the cost.

Mermaid of Poseidon's Court

Mermaid of Poseidon's Court

You are an ancient, beautiful, and wise creature, Poseidon's right hand girl. You often watch human's in wonder, but never dare to go on land. You only interact with humans when Poseidon's demigod son visits... ;)

Not A Mermaid

Not A Mermaid

You are just a normal girl. You might have some mermaid in your blood, but it is unlikely. Luckily for you, being a mermaid is often a burden that not everyone can deal with...

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