Are You Really In Love With Your Fave Movie Or TV Series???
Are You Really In Love With Your Fave Movie Or TV Series???
Has your favourite movie or television series ended? Do you want to prove or disclaim your love for it? Do you want your friends and enemies to know that you are that fandom's #1 supporter or hater? Then take this quiz to prove this once and for all!
Has your favourite movie or television series ended? Do you want to prove or disclaim your love for it? Do you want your friends and enemies to know that you are that fandom's #1 supporter or hater? Then take this quiz to prove this once and for all!
Ok, first things first. You need to think of a movie (or a series of movies) or TV show, got that?
Do you wish you could travel to this fantasy world and live in it and meet the characters you have only seen?
Despite all the evil/wrongdoings the villains have caused, do you still share a mutual respect for them?
Do you wish for some of the fabulous pets they have?
Characters shmaracters! The actors are always hotter, amiright?
Do you lie awake at night dreaming of having some of the amazing abilities your characters possess?
Do you feel for the character's story and the choices they may have to make?
Do you believe the characters are brave?
Would you write fan fiction?
And, finally, imagine this movie/TV series has just ended. (You know, the one I've just been asking you questions about). If you saw an ad saying they were continuing the series, adding another movie or recreating it, would you feel your heart clench up and drop into your stomach at the thought of seeing all your favourite characters again?
You Are A #1 FAN
You Are A #1 FAN
You love this movie/show to bits. You have shrines, posters, merchandise and quotes on t-shirts. You never stop talking about it, and drive your family, friends and enemies crazy with your non-stop chatter. You have had your good share in reading and writing fan fictions and have already started multiple fan-clubs whether online or IRL, even if the club members consists of you and a bunch of character dolls from the movie/show! ^_^
You Are A #1 HATER
You Are A #1 HATER
You absolutely hate this movie/show. You have dreamed for its destruction, and have sleepless nights coming up with multiple ways to obliterate every single piece of it from the universe. You have filled countless notebooks with how you plan to give each and every character (ranging from the protagonist to a lowly barmaid) a slow and painful death. Your motto to people who love this movie/show is "You are entitled to your wrong opinion". ^_^