What Percentage Intuitive Are You?
What Percentage Intuitive Are You?
There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance.
-Albert Einstein
There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance.
-Albert Einstein
You're 25% intuitive
You're 25% intuitive
You spend a lot of time collecting and analyzing data before making any decisions, and you can't imagine relying only on your gut feeling. You make sure to always balance your natural intuition with cold hard facts. Snap judgments are a four-letter word in your vocabulary. You won't budge an inch until every possible scenario has been played out.
You're 50% intuitive
You're 50% intuitive
You're a natural born empath that picks up on everyone's emotions, no matter how deeply hidden. You easily "read" people emotionally and it often tells you every thing you need to know. Your intuition guides you to what is appropriate to say or do in moments of need and allows you to connect and communicate in often unspoken ways and to bond with people, animals, and places in ways that cannot be described by rational thought. Emotions run deep with you and though this can often be a burden it's truly a blessing that enables you to deeply understand the world around you.
You're 75% intuitive
You're 75% intuitive
You're 100% intuitive
You're 100% intuitive
This type of intuition is found in the mystical and often misunderstood power of extrasensory perception, expanded spiritual vision, lucid dreaming and other elevated psychic events. For you, it's a natural state of mind. You're naturally wise beyond your years and clearly an old soul. You see what could be, not what is. This type of intuition enables you to easily access the hidden possibilities all around you. You instinctively know what's possible and what's now, who has potential and who doesn't. Trust your visionary intuition, it will open up many doors for you and those who follow your profound advice!