Self-Actualization test

Maslow proposed that in order to reach self-actualization and satisfaction of higher needs, all our lower needs need to be fully satisfied before we can focus on more sophisticated desires.

For each statement, select 'agree' or 'disagree' accordingly to your preference and find out which stage of the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs you dominate.

Mind Mastery
Created by Mind Mastery (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017

I find it easy to get creative

When a problem arises, I first accept it and then work on solving it

When I express myself, other people respect it

If asked, I can easily state my achievements

I feel that my relationships lack intimacy

I find social interactions fulfilling

I can pursue all my passions and hobbies regardless of how much resources is needed for that

I often perceive other people as a threat to my possessions or identity

My diet is healthy and complete

I rarely or never ignore body symptoms indicating a poor health

I am willing to accept other people, regardless of whether they share my life outlook or not

Every creature deserves respect

I can depend on my friends

Other people frequently violate my boundaries

I'm happy with my health, including sleep, exercise and diet



Well done!
You've achieved the highest stage in Maslow's pyramid of needs - self-actualization. This means that you are a creative and inspiring person who manages problems in a responsible and efficient manner.
Don't forget to manage your lower needs such as maintaining relationships and taking care for your health.



Well done!
You are just a step away from self-actualization. Although your confidence and self-esteem are high, your lower and unfulfilled needs might prevent you from becoming self-actualized.
The creativity and inspiration you are looking for can be found in the least expected places.



Well done!
You seem as a very social person who doesn't struggle with forming and keeping fulfilling relationships. However, don't forget that your self-esteem and confidence are not necessarily dependant on how much time you spend on socializing.
In order to reach self-actualization, the confident spontaneity you are capable of will help you with becoming more creative and inspiring.



Well done!
You feel safe and secure which is a good foundation for self-development. You can pursue any passion you want and it's a time to make your dreams come true - as long as you are willing to work on your relationships with others, your health and your self-esteem.
Develop all these areas and become self-actualized.



Well done!
You are an exceptional example of good health. It seems that you feel very comfortable in your physical body and satisfied with your good health. This is a very firm foundation of further self-development.
However, sometimes the creativity and inspiration for development we are looking for is located just outside of our bodies - this might be your clue as to how to reach self-actualization.

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