How much do you know about Aparri?
How much do you know about Aparri?
To: Aparri
From: Galaxyofvenus <my aj user :)
You've helped me so much. I watched your videos when I was having anxiety because my friends broke up. (In a friend way) And when I got a bad grade I would watch you as much as I could before I told my parents because they would take away my laptop and phone :3 I love you senpai. Ty if you played this game <3
To: Aparri
From: Galaxyofvenus <my aj user :)
You've helped me so much. I watched your videos when I was having anxiety because my friends broke up. (In a friend way) And when I got a bad grade I would watch you as much as I could before I told my parents because they would take away my laptop and phone :3 I love you senpai. Ty if you played this game <3

Where does Aparri live?
How many siblings does Aparri have?
Is Aparri a boy or girl?
How many subscribers does Aparri have in August, 2016?
What is Aparri's Most famous video?
What is Aparri's and his Brother's real names?
Who is Aparri's sister if he has one?
What is Aparri's favorite drink?
What is Aparri's favorite type of Dorito?
Which is the best ship?
You know alot!
You know alot!
You know a lot about Aparri. Is he your Senpai too?
You know nothing...
You know nothing...
Do you even know who he is?
You know everything!
You know everything!
Is he your Senpai too? Or are you Aparri <3