How Green With Envy Are You?
How Green With Envy Are You?
Be honest - you have some envy towards others. But how deep does it go?
Be honest - you have some envy towards others. But how deep does it go?
What do you really wish you had more of?
Do you consider yourself a jealous person?
When someone else has more ____, you get the most jealous.
To what extent do you agree with this statement: "I resent people who seem to have everything."
To what extent to you agree with this statement:
"I feel relieved when I succeed over someone else."
If you had to give something up that matters a lot to you, what would it be?
On a scale from 1-4, how generous of a person do you think you are?
Pick a shade of green:
11% Envious
11% Envious
You are only a little envious. You never get jealous of your friends and family, but you do feel some envy towards celebrities and other extremely wealthy and successful people. When you see a really beautiful home or nice car, you can't help but feel a tiny bit jealous.
6% Envious
6% Envious
You are hardly envious at all. You are an extremely appreciative person who feels grateful for everything you have. Instead of wanting more, you like to give more. You're incredibly kind, gracious, and altruistic. The minuscule amount of envy you may feel towards is very short-lived. The moment you feel jealous, you make sure to remind yourself of everything you do have.
24% Envious
24% Envious
You can definitely be the jealous type, but it doesn't define you. You are most likely young, and get most jealous of other people's appearances and social successes. Try focusing on more meaningful aspects of your life, such as your family, relationships, and even your own happiness. You'll feel less envious when you learn to appreciate the goodness in your life.
43% Envious
43% Envious
You have an average amount of envy running under your skin. At times you could be as green as the Wicked Witch, and other times not jealous as all. You tend to be jealous of people who have things you do not, like money or marriage. Now that you've identified what makes you envious, use it as motivation to make a change in your life. Put yourself out there and work hard to achieve your goals. You're so determined, we know everything will fall into place!
97% Envious
97% Envious
Whoa! You are practicallydripping green with envy. You have an obvious jealousy of others, and you let it impact your day-to-day life. Find some breathing room by stepping back and taking stock of what success you've already achieved. Value yourself more and you'll worry about others less.
78% Envious
78% Envious
Your jealousy level is a bit elevated, but that may be because you're extremely passionate about what you stand for and what (or who) you love. You are not possessive, but you are protective. You like to keep what's yours because you're proud of all that you have. You are also very caring and ambitious. When you set your mind on something, you won't let anything get in your way.