What Medieval Profession Would You Have?
What Medieval Profession Would You Have?
Jobs have changed over the years. What job would you have had in the middle ages?
Jobs have changed over the years. What job would you have had in the middle ages?

What kind of art do you find most appealing?
What movie actress do you prefer?
What's your favorite breakfast?
If you could skip one day in the week, what would it be?
How do you like to relax?
How much of a raise would let you take your dream vacation?
What field is your dream job in?
What music genre most represents your life?
What animal do you most want to adopt?
What would you most likely do on your birthday?
You would have been an armorer or blacksmith! You are a hands on person, someone who likes to really get directly involved with a task and fix it yourself, rather than let it wait. You are better with the real world than idle speculation, and have a tendency to jump into action the minute an idea occurs to you. You're also talented in the arts, and have a good sense of creativity, which helps strengthen your work. You will be highly valued for your abilities.
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You would have been an apothecary! You're most drawn to science and math, and logic rules your world. You have a good head for medicine, and a deep caring for other people. You tend to be fairly social and enjoy a night out with friends. Your desire to help others comes across in personal conversation and in your work life, and everyone knows to turn to you when they're in need. You're bound to have a fruitful career making sure those around you are well taken care of.
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You would have been a maid! You're mostly a team player who does well under tight deadlines and with specific instructions. You've got a good sense of time management skills, and are expert in housework, whether cooking, cleaning, or fixing anything that might be broken. You are a morning person who likes to rise early to take care of the necessities before leaving the house. You're sure to accomplish a lot with your dedicated work ethic!
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You would have been a hermit! Admit it - work doesn't much suit you, and you prefer to take care of things for yourself. You're an individualist, a lone wolf, with a good sense of what needs to get done - and that you're the best person for the job. You aren't exactly anti-social, just self-sufficient, without a need to rely on others in any aspect of your life. With your clear intellect and hands-on approach to things, you're sure to be able to provide yourself a comfortable future.
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You would have been an astrologer! You believe in a deep connection to the stars and the zodiac, and are always first to know when a major astrological event is taking place. You refuse to do anything during mercury rising, and only take risks on the most astronomically auspicious days of the year. You have a strong sense of spirituality that you believe surpasses anything else in your life. Thanks to your deep faith, you're sure to know where you're headed - before everyone else does.
Does this sound like you? Let us know in the comments!