What Would Be the Name of Your Restaurant?
What Would Be the Name of Your Restaurant?
You're about to open a major restaurant. What will you call it?
You're about to open a major restaurant. What will you call it?

What meal appeals to you the most?
What drink do you have with your meal?
Preferred transportation method?
What color inspires you the most?
Favorite summer activity?
How many kids do you want?
Where would you most want to retire?
What vegetable did you least like as a kid?
What music do you find most relaxing?
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
Teriyaki Palace
Teriyaki Palace
Your restaurant would be called Teriyaki Palace! You're into ethnic cuisine and like to travel all around the world. You've got a great sense of adventure which you tend to bring into all your work endeavors. Your friends know - anytime they go somewhere new, ask you what to visit and where to eat. You would be most likely to run a restaurant with a good deal of your favorite cuisine from Asia - and decorative flair to match.
Kids Time
Kids Time
Your restaurant would be called Kids Time! Let's be honest - you're a family person, through and through. Whether entertaining your many siblings or taking care of your kids, you're the type who just can't get enough time with young people. You enjoy teaching them new things and watching as they learn and grow. You'd own the perfect restaurant for families, with lots of places for kids to play and use their imagination, in an atmosphere of fun.
The Dive
The Dive
Your restaurant would be called The Dive! You know you're a dive bar kinda person, and you'd run your own with absolute perfection. From the kitschy wall decor to the hipster bartenders, you'd be the perfect person to own a local bar. You've got a good sense of what's popular in pop culture and with college kids, and you've always used that as a way to make friends and have fun. You enjoy a good night out and your restaurant would be likely to provide the most laid back - yet fun - night around!
Your restaurant would simply be called: Beef. You're a meat eater with a natural attraction to making classics into modern works of art. You would run a steak and hamburger restaurant that puts a new, minimalist spin on gastropubs. You're the type of person who always has the latest in technology and knows how to use it before everyone else - and would show that off in your iPad-ordering system. You're likely to run a business that becomes the hot new thing in town before it even opens!
Down to Earth
Down to Earth
Your restaurant would be called Down to Earth! You've got a soft spot for the natural world, and would likely open a vegetarian or vegan restaurant. You are strongly against animal cruelty, and are an activist for vegetarian/vegan lifestyles. You believe in personal health, too, and are the kind of person who truly enjoys exercising regularly. You've got a kind, compassionate nature, and that is likely to come out in any of your many endeavors.