12 Times Anne Of Green Gables Was A Total Badass
12 Times Anne Of Green Gables Was A Total Badass
She's a true kindred spirit!
She's a true kindred spirit!

When She Decided That Tomorrow Is A New Day... With No Mistakes
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Anne gets into trouble on occasion, but her attitude is that of a true badass. No matter what happens today - tomorrow is always a fresh start!
When She Tied For First (With Gilbert Blythe) In Her Exams
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Anne's always been smart, so it was no surprise when she came in first in her exams!
When She Got Diana Drunk
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Okay, so it was an accident... but it's still pretty hilarious for a 14 year old to accidentally get her bff - er, "bosom friend" - drunk.
When She Broke Her Slate Over Gilbert's Head
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Anne won't tolerate any teasing, no matter how good-looking you are. She'll totally break that slate over your head, and won't think twice about it!