Can We Guess Your Favorite Star Wars Film From These 8 Questions?
Can We Guess Your Favorite Star Wars Film From These 8 Questions?
These super-specific questions will nail down which Star Wars film you really love!
These super-specific questions will nail down which Star Wars film you really love!

What planet would you want to live on?
Would you want to captain your own star ship?
Pick a non-humanoid you'd want to befriend...
Are you more of a "force of darkness" or "force of light" type person?
Pick a ship.
Did Han or Greedo shoot first?
What's your general take on cloning?
Pick a character.
Episode IV – A New Hope
Episode IV – A New Hope
Your favorite Star Wars film is A New Hope! You're a traditionalist and you tend to enjoy originals. You are a student of history, and enjoy knowing where different aspects of life originated. You are smart and driven to succeed.
Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back
Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back
Your favorite Star Wars film is The Empire Strikes Back! You're the type of person who believes the journey is more important than the destination. You enjoy taking your time planning and preparing before doing anything in life, knowing it's important to look before you leap.
Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
Your favorite Star Wars film is Return of the Jedi! You believe deeply in the triumph of good over evil, and you are willing to fight to ensure that good people succeed at their goals. You are a born activist and fighter, and you will do well at helping make sure the world is a better place.
Episode I – The Phantom Menace
Episode I – The Phantom Menace
Your favorite Star Wars film is The Phantom Menace! You're fun at heart, and prefer not to take yourself - or anything else - too seriously. You're a spontaneous person with a drive for exploring last-minute opportunities, whenever they may arise.
Episode II – Attack of the Clones
Episode II – Attack of the Clones
Your favorite Star Wars film is Attack of the Clones! You're a true team player, and enjoy working with others to solve complex projects. Your collaborative nature makes you a great friend and co-worker.
Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
Your favorite Star Wars film is Revenge of the Sith! You're sometimes drawn to the darkness in life, and aren't much of an optimist. However, you tend to use that darkness to fuel your creativity. A natural artist, you're sure to be a success in any field that allows you to express yourself.
Episode VII – The Force Awakens
Episode VII – The Force Awakens
Your favorite Star Wars film is The Force Awakens! You are a true influencer, who likes to adopt new technology the moment it comes out. You tend to always be on the cutting edge, telling your friends and family what new gadgets to look forward to. Your forward-thinking mindset is sure to help you excel in all your goals.