Prove Your National Know-How With This 4th OF JULY Trivia!
Prove Your National Know-How With This 4th OF JULY Trivia!
This all-American holiday has some surprising history. Prove how well you know Independence Day!
This all-American holiday has some surprising history. Prove how well you know Independence Day!

When did most of the signers actually sign the Declaration of Independence?
How many of the signers actually signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th?
Which famous president was born on the 4th of July?
What did John Adams think should be the real Independence Day?
In what year was the 4th declared a paid federal holiday?
What is written on the back of the Declaration of Independence?
Which of these presidents died on the 4th of July?
How did George Washington celebrate the 4th in 1778?
Who was president when the first July 4th party was held at the White House?
What is the apparent incident that started Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest?
How much does the US spend importing firecrackers from China each year?
Jefferson drafted the Declaration while writing on a "laptop," which was at the time...
Where is the copy of the Declaration stored?
Who sewed the first American flag?
How many 4th of July cookouts are there estimated per year?
Where was the Declaration signed?