We Know If Your Relationship Can Survive Another Season
We Know If Your Relationship Can Survive Another Season
Relationships have good and bad moments, but sometimes they're a real struggle. Find out if yours is destined to last this next season!
Relationships have good and bad moments, but sometimes they're a real struggle. Find out if yours is destined to last this next season!

What is your ideal engagement ring?
What would you be most likely to do on your honeymoon?
What is the quality you most value in your current relationship?
What is your favorite weekend morning outing?
What childhood/teen book most influences how you feel about love?
Pick a guilty pleasure.
What do you wish you did better or more of in your relationship?
What do you currently like to read when you have spare time?
If you could be in a relationship with any famous Chris or Ryan, who would it be?
What color represents your current relationship?
Yes, you are bound to stay together!
Yes, you are bound to stay together!
No, your relationship may be over.
No, your relationship may be over.
You'll hit some rough patches, but your relationship will survive!
You'll hit some rough patches, but your relationship will survive!
Your relationship is hanging on, but could use some help!
Your relationship is hanging on, but could use some help!
Your relationship is likely to survive, but will need a little bit of help to get there. Try to focus on making sure both you and your partner's needs are met over the course of the next few months. An honest discussion will go a long way!
Your relationship will struggle through the season, but may not last much longer.
Your relationship will struggle through the season, but may not last much longer.
Your relationship has a long, uphill climb to get to a good place. Keep in mind that communication is key, and you may be able to get through the next few seasons - but this one is sure to be a struggle. Stay focused on the future and each other, and you may make it through this season!