What 90s Legal Mystery Would You Solve?
What 90s Legal Mystery Would You Solve?
With so many great 90s thriller films, which one would you find the solution to?
With so many great 90s thriller films, which one would you find the solution to?

What would you bring to a desert island?
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What fire are you most drawn to?
What kind of emergency would you be most helpful during?
What famous Jessica would you want to befriend?
What Broadway show-turned-movie do you enjoy most?
How would you negotiate a raise?
What secret talent do you have that few people know about?
The Pelican Brief
The Pelican Brief
You would solve The Pelican Brief! You are a master of disguise, someone who's constantly changing from one moment to the next. You know how to manipulate situations to your advantage, and aren't afraid to think on your feet. You're usually the type to leap before you look, which can sometimes get you into trouble - but you know how to get out of it without hurting yourself or others. You're smart, capable, and likely to excel at whatever you put your mind to!
Primal Fear
Primal Fear
You would solve Primal Fear! You have a deep connection to your religion or spirituality, which informs every aspect of your day-to-day life. You do tend to enjoy being in the spotlight, and would likely do well as a team leader or public speaker in whatever profession you choose. You may encounter some difficulties at work, but you're likely to find a unique and intuitive way around them, even when faced with the most challenging tasks.
The Firm
The Firm
You would solve 90s legal thriller The Firm! You've got a great work ethic and a deep desire to work your way to the top. You may start from less fortunate circumstances, but your focus and drive will get you where you want to go. You may put something of a strain on personal relationships due to your work-intensive career, so don't forget to take some time for yourself, your friends, and your family. No matter what you choose to do, you are certain to succeed!
The Rainmaker
The Rainmaker
You will solve 90s legal thriller The Rainmaker! You come from a difficult background and may be concealing a lot of pain from your past. But you're not the type to let that get you down. You are the kind of motivated person who chases their dreams, even if it may put you in danger. You could benefit from learning to look before you leap, but you'll inevitably land on your feet, no matter what troubles may come your way.
A Few Good Men
A Few Good Men
You are most likely to solve the 90s thriller A Few Good Men! You are a determined personality, the kind of person who doesn't quit no matter how tough things get. This makes you really great at work or in sports, as you tend to achieve more than your peers. You may even surprise your superiors with your skills. You have a tendency to care deeply within your relationships as well as your career, which can make you seem vulnerable - but it's truly a testament to your strength of character and ability to put others' needs first. Good for you!