What Color Would You Wear To A Presidential Debate?
What Color Would You Wear To A Presidential Debate?
Would you show up in a calming color like blue or a bright, sunny yellow? Or something else? Find out here!
Would you show up in a calming color like blue or a bright, sunny yellow? Or something else? Find out here!

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You would wear blue to a presidential debate. You know that the color blue means truth and honesty, and you like to put forth the appearance of accuracy. You also believe deeply in seeming calm and collected, and know that your color choice will project that to the viewers.
You go with a bold red to the presidential debate! You are strong and fearless, and don't want to appear at all weak. You believe that your choice will demonstrate your abilities without even having to say a word. Good for you!
You would wear green to a presidential debate! Your priorities have always been towards growth, and you believe your choice will display that. You are passionate about the environment and family issues, and care deeply for others.
You would wear purple to the presidential debate! You have an independent mindset, and won't be swayed by anyone's personal opinion. You like to be diplomatic, and often serve to moderate other people's arguments.
You would wear yellow to a presidential debate! You believe in demonstrating your friendly disposition, even if it might not be what's usually expected. You color outside the lines, and you're not afraid to let the world know how original you are!
You would wear a standard black suit to the presidential debate! You're a "play by the rules" kind of person, and you prefer to stick to tradition. You have always been the type to be on time to everything, and you likely were a straight B student - nothing particularly unique, but nothing worth worrying over. You're likely to do well in life and end up perfectly content with your achievements.