What Movie Genre Should You Direct?
What Movie Genre Should You Direct?
Imagine yourself leading a film set - Which genre would you be best at directing?
Imagine yourself leading a film set - Which genre would you be best at directing?

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You should direct romance! Let's be honest - you are a true romantic at heart, and have always believed in the power of love. You are the type of person who always prefers listening to love ballads over other kinds of music, and is a big fan of romantic films, whether drama or comedy. You are soft at heart but a truly warm person, which draws a wide range of friends and family to you, knowing how caring and generous you are.
You should direct comedy! You were the class clown, always making everyone laugh - no matter what. You have a tendency to enjoy pranks and practical jokes, but everyone knows it's all in good fun. You've got a smile for everyone you meet, which makes you exceptionally popular. You're likely to achieve a lot in life, because your positive attitude will definitely get you far!
You should direct drama! You are a serious person who believes in honesty and loyalty as your two primary characteristics. You know that trust is earned, and once you show someone your trust and respect, you know that you will have their back for life. You may sometimes seem to take things overly seriously, but that's just because you're an intellectual who likes to think things through in a deep manner. You are a great person to have around to answer any question that may arise.
You should direct historical films! You are someone who's always felt they were born into the wrong era. Your head may be in the 2000s, but your heart is back in time. You have a tendency to enjoy activities including renaissance fairs and cosplay, and can often be found in clothes that might be considered "outdated" today - but feel real and right on you. Keep being an individual, as it will be sure to attract attention and help you achieve your dreams.
You should direct action! You are a charismatic leader with a great sense of style. You are known for your laser focus on any topic that arises, and are dedicated to getting your work done before you take time off. You're the type of workaholic that gets along with everyone, though, and you know that your hard efforts will pay off in dividends. You are one of the smartest among your friend group, so others often ask you for advice - and you are quick to come up with solutions to any problem in the way.