What Percent Fall Expert Are You?
What Percent Fall Expert Are You?
With fall now upon us, take this ultra-tough trivia quiz to discover how much you really know.
With fall now upon us, take this ultra-tough trivia quiz to discover how much you really know.

Name this beverage, often served hot or cold.
What is this activity?
What is this tasty Halloween treat?
Name this item that keeps birds out of fields.
What fall holiday involves eating lots of pumpkin pie?
What month does fall officially begin in?
What do New Englanders call this activity?
What happens on the first day of fall?
This German festival takes place in the second month of fall.
What do you call this?
How much money did Americans spend celebrating Halloween in 2015?
This fall flavor is extra popular at Starbucks.
This funny term started around growing mustaches for a full month.
This day-after-Thanksgiving sale causes crowds throughout major stores.
In this fun-named fall tradition, writers try to craft a novel in one month.
This Halloween decoration can be seen lighting up the night.