What’s this Quote from: The West Wing or The Republican National Convention?
What’s this Quote from: The West Wing or The Republican National Convention?
Prove your political knowledge with this ultra-tough RNC vs. TV quiz!
Prove your political knowledge with this ultra-tough RNC vs. TV quiz!

"We will lead our country back to safety, prosperity, and peace. We will be a country of generosity and warmth."
"Victory is mine, victory is mine. Great day in the morning, people, victory is mine."
"Real change — the kind we have not seen in decades — is only going to come from outside the system."
"We are the party of new ideas."
"Let the word ring forth, from this time and this place, gentlemen, you kill an American, any American, we don't come back with a proportional response. We come back with total disaster!"
"Let me tell you something. Ultimately, it is not the nuts that are the greatest threat to democracy, as history has shown us over and over and over again, the greatest threat to democracy is the unbridled power of the state over its citizens. Which, by the way, that power is always unleashed in the name of preservation."
"We will always stand with those who stand on the thin blue line of law enforcement in America."
"If anyone publicly threatens the life of the President of the United States, the Secret Service is on them in an instant. Our law enforcement officers deserve the same respect as the President of the United States.”
"We have to say what we feel, that government, no matter what its failures in the past and in times to come for that matter, government can be a place where people come together and where no one gets left behind. No one...gets left behind. An instrument of good."
"Education is the silver bullet. Education is everything. We don't need little changes. We need gigantic revolutionary changes. Schools should be palaces. Competition for the best teachers should be fierce. They should be getting six-figure salaries. Schools should be incredibly expensive for government and absolutely free of charge for its citizens, just like national defense. That is my position."
"Education, guns, drugs, school prayer, gays, defense spending, taxes - you name it, we disagree."
"We are at war with radical Islamists. We are losing the war. And we must change course to win the war."
"Citizens are furious — rightly furious — at a political establishment that cynically breaks its promises and ignores the will of the people. We have to do better."
"This is a good man. And America should be sick and tired of their vicious, nasty campaign."
"Today, for the first time in history, one in five Americans living in poverty are children. One in five children live in the most abject, dangerous, hopeless, backbreaking, gut wrenching poverty, one in five, and they're children."
"I know what socialism looks like and I don’t want that for my children."
"We don't need martyrs right now. We need heroes. A hero would die for his country but he'd much rather live for it."