What Travel Destination Is Your Ideal Wedding Spot?
What Travel Destination Is Your Ideal Wedding Spot?
You are a true explorer, but where should you head for your perfect wedding? Find out here!
You are a true explorer, but where should you head for your perfect wedding? Find out here!

How do you like your ice cream?
Where would you like to travel that you've never been before?
What singer do you wish was your best friend?
What season are you most like?
How do you best survive a snowstorm?
What book would you bring with you to a desert island?
What do you most dislike about travel?
What movie genre do you like least?
What item would you absolutely never leave your house - even just to walk down the street - without?
What is your favorite nacho topping?
Paris is your ideal wedding spot. You are more than just in love - you are a total romantic. You believe deeply in the meaning of tradition, and have a tendency to go all out when you have a big celebration. You are particularly close with your family, and you are likely to work your hardest to make them happy.
The Bahamas
The Bahamas
Your ideal wedding destination is a tropical resort! You like to travel, and your adventurous spirit is sure to take you far. You can be found rock climbing or enjoying your weekends at the beach - but never sitting still. You are always trying out something new, and you're eager to find just the right person to explore the world with.
Your ideal wedding destination is Alaska! You are a deep thinker, and you enjoy intellectual pursuits. You would love to spend your weekends curled up with the crossword or solving a Sudoku puzzle. You can always be found figuring out a problem or troubleshooting something that's not working right.
Your Backyard
Your Backyard
Your ideal wedding destination is... your backyard! Okay, so you're a bit of a homebody. You care deeply for your friends and family, and like to spend as much quality time with them as possible. You're a truly generous spirit, and the type of person to help out in any situation. You've got a kind heart that will be sure to take you far.
A Cruise
A Cruise
Your ideal wedding spot is... a cruise! Familiarity is important in your life, particularly when it comes to trying new things. You appreciate small gestures, like thank you cards and thoughtful birthday gifts. You're easy to get along with and always make new friends wherever you may go.
Your ideal wedding destination is India! You've got a deeply spiritual side that is the most important thing in your life. You believe true faith can overcome any hardship. You're always willing to take time from your day to reflect on your inner sense of calm, even in the midst of a busy world. Good for you!