Which American Adaptation of a Foreign Film Are You?
Which American Adaptation of a Foreign Film Are You?
With so many American adaptations of foreign films coming out, which one is most like you?
With so many American adaptations of foreign films coming out, which one is most like you?

What seasonal or holiday movie do you like most?
What would you do in the event of a zombie apocalypse?
What do you think the world's biggest problem is?
How would you deal with a difficult boss?
What is your favorite Halloween tradition?
What job would you have if you worked in Hollywood?
What animal are you most like?
What social media platform do you use most?
What's your guilty pleasure food?
What do you think you could go longest without?
Secret in Their Eyes
Secret in Their Eyes
You are most like Secret in Their Eyes! Someone who likes to keep your heart close to your chest, you're not known for opening up easily to new people in your life. You have a close circle of friends who will stand by you no matter what, but it takes a while to warm up to you. You're smart and tactical, and are likely to do well in any position where you need to employ tough strategy to achieve your goals. No matter what you do in life, you will be sure to succeed.
The Departed
The Departed
You are most like The Departed! You're a strong person, who believes in a strict moral code. You've got a good heart, but you don't always let people get close to you. You believe firmly in following your ethics, no matter where they may lead. You're likely to do well in a position like law enforcement, firefighting, or the medical profession, as you are the kind of person to put others' needs before your own.
Brick Mansions
Brick Mansions
You are most like Brick Mansions! You are an outdoorsy type, who likes to spend their weekends hanging out in nature. You're the first person to suggest a camping trip getaway, and you have a deep love of hiking, swimming, skiing - anything that'll get you out of the house. You likely find office work frustrating, and would do well in a job that gets you in touch with nature. You always are up for an adventure, which makes you one of the most entertaining of all your friends.
City of Angels
City of Angels
You are most like City of Angels! You're a romantic at heart, and no that no matter what happens, you'll do anything for the person you love. You have a tendency to sometimes fall for the wrong person, but things always work out for you in the end. You are the kindest person among your friend group, and they know they can turn to you for a positive word or someone to listen when they're in need.
Let Me In
Let Me In
You are most like Let Me In! You have a tendency to be warm and outgoing, an are known as the life of the party. You sometimes surprise people with your spontaneous actions, but they always know they can rely on you when they're in trouble. You're a good person to go to for troubleshooting when a problem arises, as you think quickly and know how to maneuver on your feet. You'd be a great team leader at the office, as you have a good sense of motivation and how to get others on board with your ideas.