Which of George's Girlfriends from Seinfeld Are You?
Which of George's Girlfriends from Seinfeld Are You?
Either way, George is your Valentine! So who's it gonna be?
Either way, George is your Valentine! So who's it gonna be?

Which of the five senses is most important to you?
What do you most prioritize in life?
What movie do you wish you could see in theaters AGAIN right now?
What time of day is most important to you?
What online abbreviation are you most likely to use?
Where do you get your best ideas?
What Beatle do you most identify with?
Susan Ross
Susan Ross
You are Susan Ross! You are a motivated, caring person, who excels at whatever you set out to do. You have a tendency to jump into relationships and career choices at the spur of the moment, but you always somehow manage to land on your feet. No matter what may happen along the way, you know you'll have led an adventurous and enjoyable life. You are genuinely marriage material and are bound to find the right person - if you just keep looking.
You are George's girlfriend Karen! You aren't afraid to take control in life, if it means you'll get your way. You are willing to put up with a few struggles - but not so much that it hurts your chances at your dreams. You may occasionally bend the truth to get what you want, but you see it as a means to an end, and don't mind the occasional white lie. You're smart and sophisticated, and likely to achieve all your dreams one day.
You're most like George's girlfriend Julie! You don't take things too seriously in life, letting the little things slide and focusing your energy on what really counts. You don't mind taking credit on someone else's work, as long as you contributed, but you would never steal focus if it wasn't warranted. You're smart and easygoing, and likely to get ahead in your career while others wonder how you managed to get so far, so fast.
You are most like George's girlfriend Noel! Above all else, you take your career quite seriously. You're a dedicated creative, which may sometimes frustrate your friends and romantic partners. You don't keep normal 9-5 business hours, preferring to work whenever it's convenient for you. You're likely to have a large talent for the arts, which hopefully will be recognized in big ways.
You are most like George's girlfriend Robin! Above everything, you prioritize family first. You're a caring and generous person with a big heart. You are the type to want to raise lots of kids, and won't settle for a relationship where your significant other doesn't put the kids first. You're smart and kind, and your friends know they can come to you whenever they have problems - and you'll be there to help.