Which Shonda Rhimes Leading Lady Are You?
Which Shonda Rhimes Leading Lady Are You?
With hit shows from Grey's Anatomy to Scandal under her belt, which Shonda Rhimes leading lady are you most like?
With hit shows from Grey's Anatomy to Scandal under her belt, which Shonda Rhimes leading lady are you most like?

How do you react in a difficult situation?
A big holiday is coming up for you and your significant other. Do you...
You get a call out of the blue from someone you're trying to avoid. Do you...
What kind of restaurant most fits your style?
What is your favorite season?
What kind of job is your dream job?
What animal is most like you?
What is your favorite Shonda Rhimes show?
What kind of music calms you down?
What gift would you most want for Valentine's Day?
Olivia Pope from Scandal
Olivia Pope from Scandal
You are Olivia Pope from Scandal! You are a problem solver, excelling at fixing any difficulty that might come your way. People know to turn to you first in times of crisis. While your personal life doesn't always match your professional successes, you are still likely to get what you want in that arena if you just keep focused on your goals. To your friends, you are a style icon and a great listener who knows how to help when they're in need. Remember to take some time for your own needs, and you're sure to excel in the office and at home.
Addison Montgomery from Private Practice
Addison Montgomery from Private Practice
You are Addison Montgomery from Private Practice! You have a pretty well-suited job and family life, but your romantic life can be difficult for you. You're often finding yourself having to choose between more than one person, and that can lead to conflict and strife for you and your friends. You will ultimately make the right decision for yourself - you just need to know how to follow your heart.
Meredith Grey from Grey's Anatomy
Meredith Grey from Grey's Anatomy
You are Meredith Grey from Grey's Anatomy! You have pain in your past but have managed to be skilled at hiding it. You are quite good at your job, and your coworkers admire your abilities. You sometimes have a hard time juggling personal and professional life, which can be a struggle for you. However, you always manage to turn life's problems into learning experiences, and are a better person for it.
Annalise Keating from How to Get Away with Murder
Annalise Keating from How to Get Away with Murder
You're Professor Annalise Keating from How to Get Away with Murder! You're a quick thinker and great on your feet. You've got an excellent sense of personal style, and can be imposing to those around you. Your intellect makes you a challenge at work and in your personal life, as you have a tendency to be one step ahead of everyone else in your social sphere. Take some time to relax when you can - you work hard and take big risks, and deserve some peace in your life.