Which Southern TV Character Are You?
Which Southern TV Character Are You?
There are numerous great southern TV characters, past and present. Which one most resembles you? Find out here!
There are numerous great southern TV characters, past and present. Which one most resembles you? Find out here!

What one city do you wish you had the chance to live in?
If you ran a company, what would your leadership style be?
You wake up sick, but have an important morning meeting. Do you...
What actor would you want to play you in the movie of your life?
Pick a suit of cards:
What superpower would you most want to have?
What TV show is your current obsession?
Pick a guilty pleasure food:
What social media site do you spend the most time on?
What class were you best at in school?
What color means the most to you personally?
Rayna Jaymes
Rayna Jaymes
You're Nashville's Rayna Jaymes! You have a savvy business sense and a great way with personal style. You're comfortable dealing with your kids or problems at work - whatever may arise, you're a natural troubleshooter, and always tell it like it is. You are likely to succeed beyond your wildest dreams.
Frank Underwood
Frank Underwood
You are Frank Underwood from House of Cards! You're a fast thinker and able to tackle whatever life may throw your way. You occasionally may get yourself into a bit of trouble, but your quick wit helps you talk your way out of just about anything. You'd do well in a leadership position at your job.
Walker, Texas Ranger
Walker, Texas Ranger
You are Walker, Texas Ranger! You're the epitome of cool, and you always know how to stop bad guys in their tracks. You are a bit of an outdoorsy type, and you tend to be more of a "get things done" type than a "spend lots of time thinking about it" type. While you may leap before you look, you're always sure to land on your feet.
Daryl Dixon
Daryl Dixon
You are Daryl Dixon! You tend to not like to waste time on small talk, as you prefer to speak your mind only when needed. You're the type of person who expects trouble around every corner, but you usually have a plan to stop it. While people may not think of you as someone with a lot of forethought, they'll be surprised to discover just how ready you are for any situation. You'd make a great Boy Scout, given that you are always prepared.
Sookie Stackhouse
Sookie Stackhouse
You are Sookie Stackhouse from True Blood! You're the type of person who doesn't always know their own abilities, and it may take you a little while to grow into your full potential. Don't worry, though; once you realize what you can do, you will be truly unstoppable. You're likely to do well in life and in love.
Brenda Leigh Johnson
Brenda Leigh Johnson
You are Brenda Leigh Johnson from The Closer! You are sometimes a bit scattered when it comes to keeping track of your personal life, but most of your friends and family find you endearing. You've got a questioning side to you that makes you great for an investigative or scientific profession. You're consistently one of the smartest people in the room, and though you may be underestimated, you never let people down.
Reba Nell Hart
Reba Nell Hart
You are Reba Nell Hart from Reba! You're the quintessential southerner: charming, sweet, and a true pleasure to be around. Everyone loves you instantly, and you are the life of every party. While you may have some personal conflicts from time to time (who doesn't?) you always manage to help smooth things over.