miriam mayo
Created by miriam mayo (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Apr 13, 2017
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There is a variety of reasons why we love the sunlight. It boosts the levels of serotonin that is proven to relieve anxiety and produces vitamin D that is necessary for bones, skin and teeth.

In order to avoid the risks of skin cancer and premature aging, you need to get a safe tan.You want to get a sun-kissed glow, but do not want to increase the risk of getting wrinkles or cancer.

Steps on tanning your skin fast and safely

1.Shower and Scrub
In order to get the best tan outdoors, you have to exfoliate your skin before sun exposure. The exfoliation helps you remove the dead cells from the skin and leave a fresh skin. Removing the dead cells can improve your skin tone, remove oil and pore-clogging dirt, and even prevent acne.
You can scrub the dead skin cells by using some natural scrubs such as sugar, salt, and oatmeal with an exfoliating glove or loofah pad. The less development of dead skin cells, the more shallow your skin layer will be. This will last your tan for a longer time. The removal of dead skin cells will also help you tan more easily as your tan will occur and evenly fade.

2. Apply Moisturizers and Sunscreen
You might think ‘But how can I tan if I’m using sun block?’
The answer to that is that protection doesn’t stop you tanning, it stops you BURNING. If you protect yourself from burning, you are giving your skin a good chance of producing melanin.
Use lip balm with sunscreen as well. Ideally, apply your sunscreen in the shade, and let it soak in for 20-25 minutes before you go into the sun. Reapply as needed if you go swimming and the sunscreen is not waterproof, or every couple hours as directed on the label.

3. Use tanning accelerators
Using tan accelerators without a doubt speeds up the whole process of tanning, and kick-starts your skin’s natural tanning process. If you’re short on time or want to see results faster, this is the stuff for you. If tanning in the sun, apply it over you SPF cream.High quality tan accelerators contain vitamins, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids that nourish skin, creating optimal tanning conditions for your skin. All Carrot Sun products contain these quality ingredients.

4. Sun Sun Sun
As you know that UV radiation is at the highest between 10 am and 2 pm, so take notice of these times. You should try to tan in increments in order to minimize sun damages. Just tan for one hour a day to get a safe tan.
When the skin reaches the tanning cut-off point, it cannot produce melanin anymore; therefore, there is no need to lounge by the pool all the day. Everybody has their own tanning cut-off point, generally 2-3 hours or much less in case you get a fair skin. After this point, you are just increasing your risk of UV damage.



  1. 1 teaspoon coffee
  2. 1 teaspoon cocoa
  3. 2teaspoon each olive and coconut oil
  4. squeezed lemon
  5. 5 teaspoon each beer and cola (diet)
  6. white lotion
  7. mix it all together

Apply before tanning and re-apply after 30 minutes.


  1. Spray bottle
  2. Cola
  3. beer
  4. squeezed lemon
  5. mix

Spray every 15-20minutes.

Enjoy your summer!!!

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021