Choosing Day: What is your faction?
Choosing Day: What is your faction?
Students, take this quiz to help you determine which faction would best suit you if you lived in the Divergent society.
Students, take this quiz to help you determine which faction would best suit you if you lived in the Divergent society.
In my spare time, I prefer to...
When I read a book, I choose something that...
When I think of skydiving, I think...
My favorite experiences in school have been...
The school is organizing a trip to Honduras to build homes for people in poverty. My reaction to this is...
When two of my friends have a different opinion about something, I...
When I have a crush on someone, it’s usually someone who...
People would best describe me as...
When it comes to sports, I...
I would be most embarrassed if I...
The most stressful thing about school is...
If I had to choose only one activity to be involved in during high school, it would be...
My ideal car would be...
If one day I have children, I think I will be the kind of parent who...
When it comes to keeping in touch with friends and classmates after high school graduation, I think I...
Your faction is Candor! You value honesty and loyalty and people who are upfront and direct with you.
Your faction is Erudite! You value intelligence, education, and hard work.
Your faction is Dauntless! You value adventure, courageous behavior, and trying new things.
You faction is Amity! You value a peaceful life, treating others kindly, and treating our Earth kindly as well.
Your faction is Abnegation! You value others before yourself and strive to make the world a better place.