7 Steps for Do-It-Yourself Mini Splits
7 Steps for Do-It-Yourself Mini Splits
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Our family of companies have been in the HVAC business for over 75 years. Come experience the difference of purchasing from a company with over 100,000 square feet of manufacturing space and let our buying power of all of our purchased products save you money.
If you are one of those people who like to explore how your house system works, then you are probably a fan of DIY ideas. From installing pipes, fixing a leak, assembling an appliance, to painting your walls, you can always count on a DIY concept.
DIY seems to work only if done correctly. The same rules apply to more complex ideas, such as installing mini splits. Mini splits are a good investment for your home, and it is considered a one-time investment if you decide to buy one. Installation is another thing to consider since it may need some professional help, but some units are very user-friendly and can be installed by yourself.
For you to be prepared and to know more about a DIY mini-split, here are the steps on how to do your mini split system.
Unbox your mini-split system and look for any damage or inconsistency of parts. Be sure to know every part of it for you to assess everything that comes with it.
Prepare your tools and start assembling the wall bracket. It is better to assemble it first so you can proceed with the installation.
Start mounting the air-handling units inside your house. Be sure to choose a place where it will be most efficient without ruining the interior design of the house.
Start drilling for exit holes. Make sure you know the right size. After this, start mounting your wall bracket outside your house.
Place the compressor/condenser on the wall bracket and connect the refrigerant pipes and electrical lines properly and securely.
Install air filters and remote control cradle. Some units are Wi-Fi supported, so check if you also need to install the USB Wifi adapter.
Set up the remote control and run a test.
All units come with a manual guide for you to read and follow. Make sure you know every part so you will know how to install it properly. And of course, do a bit of research to be sure how your DIY mini-split will work.