What Does Your Car Say About You?
What Does Your Car Say About You?
Does the car you drive reflect your personality? Take our quiz to find out!
Does the car you drive reflect your personality? Take our quiz to find out!

What brand is your car?
What colour is your car?
How many doors does your car have?
What animal would your car be?
What do you like most about your car?
You're a risk taker!
You're a risk taker!
With your bright, showy sports car and high-speed driving, you're not afraid to grab life by the horns and dive head first into new situations. You're successful and driven, but also a little too irresponsible... Remember it's okay to slow down from time to time!
You're a realist.
You're a realist.
You're practical and balanced, and like your car to be safe and affordable. You're the kind of person who has never made a bad choice in their life! Some people might find you boring, but you just ignore them.
You're a free spirit!
You're a free spirit!
If there is one thing you don't care about, it's what other people think of you. It might be old and battered, but you won't let the car you drive define you; you've got more important things to worry about. As long as it takes you from point A to point B, that's enough.
You're too fancy for words.
You're too fancy for words.
You probably wear an expensive watch on your left wrist, have strong opinions on coffee, and your socks definitely match. Either you're really serious about your car and saved up for years to afford it, or you're a straight-up millionaire. Either way, kudos! (But you're still a bit of a show off.)
You're a friend of the Earth.
You're a friend of the Earth.
The words "trying to reduce my carbon footprint" have left your mouth at some point in the last six months. You're trying to save the planet and want everyone to know it. Keep doing what you do - the world needs more electric cars!