Which of these old wives' tales are real?
Which of these old wives' tales are real?
We've all been told the old superstitions - don't walk under ladders or if you go out with wet hair you'll catch a cold - but how many of them are legit wives' tales and which are made up?
We've all been told the old superstitions - don't walk under ladders or if you go out with wet hair you'll catch a cold - but how many of them are legit wives' tales and which are made up?
Created by Mollie Goodfellow(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 23, 2015
1 / 11
Keeping a raw onion in your bag can keep wasps away
2 / 11
Keeping a book by your bedside can ward off nightmares
3 / 11
Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis
4 / 11
A spoonful of sugar cures hiccups
5 / 11
Carrots are good for your eyesight
6 / 11
Starve a fever, feed a cold
7 / 11
Gum stays in your intestines for seven years
8 / 11
Drinking green tea cures a cold
9 / 11
You lose most of your body heat through your head
10 / 11
Standing on your head can cure dizziness
11 / 11
If you don’t suffer morning sickness when pregnant it means you’re having a boy
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